Saturday, September 29, 2007

Just So You Know:The Top 10 best selling game franchise in the world...

This are the 10 best selling frachise games in the world and i'm proud to see some oldies still hitting it big.Who could forget Mario,Pikachu,or Donkey Kong? The games ranges from puzzles like tetris or the third dimension of Final Fantasy.Regardless of what you prefer they all have one thing in common they've all sold millions of dollars throughout the years.We've all played them,heard about them,talked about them one way or the other.Now we finally count down the best or may i say the richest.

10.Gran Turismo:47 million
This was widely popular through playstation and this game brought racing to a whole new level.

9.Donkey Kong:48 million
Who could forget this monkey that threw barrels?

8.The Legend of Zelda:52 million
I have this game on Gameboy then came all those Nitendo SP crap and i was suddenly feeling so insecure.But when Gameboy evolved so did Zelda.

7.Madden NFL:60 million
I have never played this game before but since it has to do with NFL i'll give it pass.But here's something,a Madden football game has arrived on store shelves every summer for nearly twenty years in a row.There's some trivia for you.

6.Tetris:60 million
Block after another Block,i was addicted to this game once and up until know i still am.

5.Grand Theft Auto:65 million
If you like gangsters,robbery,violence,and swearing.May i introduce to your new best friend.

4.Final Fantasy:75 million
This is the never-ending game.I don't think the word final should
even be included in the title.Because as far as we know the fantasy never stops.

3.The Sims:90 million
It's of those games where money matters or building a swimming pool is optional.What's so great is that you can play your own interior designer and actually live a life you couldn't afford in reality.

2.Pokemon:164 million
I tried to catch them all but i just couldn't.You put them in a ball and let them out whenever you want too.God i wish we could do that with people.

1.Mario:195 million
So we've reached number one and this one is definitley a legend in the gaming industry.Who cares if he's a plumber all i can tell you is that no plumber makes as much money as this one.The franchise couldn't be bigger and the game could be anymore sweeter.Congratualtions Mario for flushing out the competition.

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