Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just So You Know:Baby's are In !!!

Is there like a baby fever going around cause there are alot of pregnant celebrities out there in hollywood right now.One of the most previous pregnancies is jLo.Her and her hubby Marc Anthony have been trying to have a baby for two years.And now through the help of vitro fertilization she is due in spring.Congrats to jlo and there's also a slight chance that she migh be carrying twins!!!

And in other baby news Christina Aguilera is expecting a baby boy or so i've heard.She's been trying to keep these pregnancy uder wrapps.But this time she's showing and apparently she's also been spotted buying boy themed blue baby clothes.So once again cograts to the mom-to-be.
So with all the baby talk we just have to wonder which big star will suprise us with a sudden pregnancy????

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