Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just So You Know:Kanye throws Tantrums!!!

Kanye West is one of those people who can't accept defeat.As well as no one should but atleast we manage to keep our composure long enough for the frustration to pass by.But Kanye has managed to continue his outburst with everyone seeing.And one perfect example was after the VMA's in which he losed all the categories he was nominated for.He just can't catch a break.But one of his ideas was to be the one to open up for the VMA's instead of Britney Spears who was very rusty during her performance.He wanted to perform his single "Stronger" up on stage instead in a suite in which other performers got.He believed that the songs he made were main stage level.He even had the nerve to play the race card.Kanye is a very gifted performer who just beat rival 50 cent in album sales.He just needs to calm down and bow out gracefully.Here is what i'm talking about total disrespect to Britney Spears,to MTV,and to everyone else.

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