Friday, September 7, 2007

Just So You Know:It's Real!!!

There was no preparing me for this one.I really do try my best to be up to date with whatever is happening to the stuff that matters to me.But in this case i wish i hadn't found out so sooner.One of my favorite and not to mention crush Vanessa Hudgens had allegedly taken nude photos of herself as a flirtacious suprise to boyfriend Zac Efron.While many consider it to be fake it was now clearly stated that it is in fact the true female form of Vanessa Hudgens in the flesh as we speak.But you have to admit that is one rocking ass body.And if you've got it why not flaunt it.But this was suppose to be private and whoever decided to expose this pictures to the media has a one way ticket to hell.This shouldn't change anything, she's still Baby V ,and all the fans should still support her.I know i would.

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