Monday, September 10, 2007

Just So You Know:I am so dissapointed at Britney!!!

After all the hype i've been building up for this moment. I cannot believe what i have just seen.It is the opening of MTV video music awards and starring is Britney with a weave.I was so frustrated after watching.First of all what in the world is Britney wearing,it's like one of those bra and panties mixed with cheap glitter.So not only was the wardrobe bad but so was the overall performance.Look i support Britney especially after all the crap that she's gone through.And this performance was her statement to the world that she is back on her feet.But she didn't deliver at all.She was barely making her way through the backup dancers.Which was so sad compare to her other performances back then when she was leading the pack and no one cared she lipsynched.But now she's not even trying to hide the fact that she's lip synching.I expected more from her and i'm totally and utterly not impressed.She has to make it up one way or the other.But in a positive note her face is still cute and glad to see her hair is growing back.And i almost forgot Mr.NoMagic Criss Angel was a no show during the performance in which he promised a magic illumination trick.Was that all a publicity stunt to get attention from the people?But anyways here's an encore performance if you have't already seen it.And feel free to cringe at anytime.

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