Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just So You Know:It's a Britney recap.....

I don't know how much more Britney can take.The crap just keeps on piling up for her.Her lawyer just quit on her during what could be the most important trial in Britney's life.The battle for custody is heating up so much that there has been an alleged life threath regarding Mr.Kevin Federline which the authorities are looking after.But Britney is facing an uphill battle and she just took a big slug in the heart when she temporarily losed custody of her children to K-FED.And now the ex-bodyguard whom Britney fired is now retaliating by testifying in court.Accusing Britney of drugs and nudity.The ex-bodyguard is the big guy standing next to Britney.Most people are tired of hearing Britney news and some are blaiming Britney for all of this.But i don't like to put blame or judge anyone for the matter.I'm just worried for Britney's sake but it could possibly be her fault but i don't know.What i do know is that there's more to come.

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