Monday, November 5, 2007

Just So You Know:Shila LaBeouf was Arrested!!!

Former Transformers star Shila LaBeouf was arrested by the police at a Walgreens store in Chicago after reportedly a security tryed to ask him to leave becuase he appeared intoxicated.But after Shia kept refusing that's when police came to the scene.

The police who attended to this case said that Shia LaBeouf showed no resistance and was polite to them. After his arrest, he was told that he was eligible for bond. He was released after the necessary procedures were done. There was a charge of criminal trespassing on him. Shia is scheduled to appear in court to face this charge on November 29.

I hope all goes as planned Shia...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow arrested??? Why would the security guy arrest him if hes like the main character in a sweet movie lol. Doesn't the guy recognize him?