Thursday, November 29, 2007

Just So You Know:"Pieces of Me" Sneak Peek...

This are the very first shots of Britney's newest music video from her album Blackout titled "Pieces of Me". She arrived late to the shooting of course for a very important reason.The video is about photographers stalking Britney."The paparazzi are following [Britney], so they're dressed alike to trick them. They all go into a club to get away. One [photographer] sneaks in, but Britney, in the end, discovers him." She's a cagey one, that Ms. Spears. Sources say that Britney is "really freaked out about everything" and afraid that people will make fun of her again because her album is tanking.Let's just hope with every rumor passed around this week about her that this could be a good thing and will work to her advantage.

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