Friday, January 4, 2008

Just So You Know:Britney Coverage "08 (Part 1)

We're back for 2008 and boy do we have some news.Just so you know as full coverage on what's happening to Britney Spears.Here are some of the details we were able to scoop for you readers only.

"We're told Britney is being taken to a local hospital on a "medical hold" -- essentially a mental evaluation. Cops found her earlier this evening at her home under the influence of an "unknown substance."Cops were called to the popnightmare's home in Beverly Hills this evening after she reportedly refused to return custody of her two kids back over to their father's bodyguard."

"Paramedics rolled Britney Spears out of her home on a gurney earlier tonight after discovering she was “under the influence of an unknown substance.”
The pop princess was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for a mental evaluation. "

"Earlier in the evening, Britney refused to hand over sons — Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1 — to the bodyguard of the kids’ father Kevin Federline. Brit reportedly locked herself and her two boys inside her house and refused to let anyone in.
Police cars, helicopters, fire trucks and ambulances were all called, surrounding Brit’s Beverly Hills home."

So far this is all we have for you guys but we are all trying to figure what exactly is happening.We will return with more information regarding our own Britney Spears.Our prayers go out to her at this moment of crisis.

Here is a picture to calm us down for a moment:

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