Friday, January 4, 2008

Just So You Know:Britney Coverage '08 (Part 2)

To continue Part 2 of the coverage here are some additional details that we know off so far.

.Officer Jason Lee of the Los Angeles Police Department told City News Service that Spears appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance. He declined to elaborate. No injuries were reported.

.Spears was conscious late Thursday when paramedics took her out of her home in a gurney. Several police cars escorted the ambulance out of the neighborhood, followed by dozens of paparazzi.

.Officers were called to Spears' house around 8 p.m. to respond to the custody dispute with ex-husband Kevin Federline over their sons, 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James, Lee said.

.By about 10:30 p.m., six police cars, two ambulances and a fire truck had entered the gated-community that includes Spears' house. Several police cars were seen in the area earlier in the night.

.Spears turned over the children around 10:50 p.m., Lee said

And here is some recent development that was just released.

Life & Style is reporting that Brit’s blood tests at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center came back negative.

“Her blood test just came back, and, thank God, it was clean. There are no traces of drugs or alcohol of any kind,” a source says.

Brit’s father, Jamie, and her ex, K-Fed – as well as both of her sons Sean Preston and Jayden James – were spotted at the hospital with Britney.

Here are additional videos to give you more insight:

Wow so far so good it means she's not doing drugs.But the paparazzi is crazy they will follow Britney to hell!!!!But much support is needed right now.That's all we have for you at this moment.Hope everything turns out fine....

Just So You Know:Britney Coverage "08 (Part 1)

We're back for 2008 and boy do we have some news.Just so you know as full coverage on what's happening to Britney Spears.Here are some of the details we were able to scoop for you readers only.

"We're told Britney is being taken to a local hospital on a "medical hold" -- essentially a mental evaluation. Cops found her earlier this evening at her home under the influence of an "unknown substance."Cops were called to the popnightmare's home in Beverly Hills this evening after she reportedly refused to return custody of her two kids back over to their father's bodyguard."

"Paramedics rolled Britney Spears out of her home on a gurney earlier tonight after discovering she was “under the influence of an unknown substance.”
The pop princess was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for a mental evaluation. "

"Earlier in the evening, Britney refused to hand over sons — Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1 — to the bodyguard of the kids’ father Kevin Federline. Brit reportedly locked herself and her two boys inside her house and refused to let anyone in.
Police cars, helicopters, fire trucks and ambulances were all called, surrounding Brit’s Beverly Hills home."

So far this is all we have for you guys but we are all trying to figure what exactly is happening.We will return with more information regarding our own Britney Spears.Our prayers go out to her at this moment of crisis.

Here is a picture to calm us down for a moment:

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just So You Know:Hellboy 2 is on it's way!!!!

Here's the new trailer of the sequel of Hellboy now transformed to HellBoy:The Golden Army.Here's a bit of info if you wanna check it out!!!


An ancient truce between mankind and an invisible realm has been broken. Hellboy and his team are dispatched to stop a madman who can unleash an army of diabolical creatures.

They will be battling their way to a realm where creatures of fantasy become real. In the end, Hellboy will be made to choose between a life he knows and an unknown destiny that calls him.

Hellboy II: The Golden Army is written by Guillermo del Toro and Mike Mignola. Universal Pictures finances and distributes the film, which has a target release date for July 11, 2008.
Here's the trailer:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just So You Know:Megan Fox is too hot for the holidays!!!

Megan Fox from transformers recently posed for some very hot and i mean hawt!!! pictures for the Japan's own version of the Rolling Stone.This girl is incredibly beautiful and with a body like that it's almost as if she doesn't even have to try.However this pictures since there is nipples anywhere that i can see in this picture.But here's my christmas gift to all the guys who's been dying to see an upclose and personal of our very own Megan Fox.

Just So You Know:"The Best Makeover of 2007"

So you know asthsi year comes to an end i would like to annouce who i believe has had the best makeover of 2007.I picked someone who went from tired,old, look to sex,shiek, and absolutely stunning.I think i have picked that person as i present to you the best makeover of 2007 ...."Katie Holmes".She went from creek to shiek and i don't know she just looks so beautiful this days.Good Job Katie you went far from where you started!!!

Just So You Know:The Best and the Worst Hollywood Signers!!

Johnny Depp the "Pirates of the Carribean" star and the soon to be "Sweeney Todd"

has been named by Autograph Magazine the best hollywood signer.Way to go Depp

one autograph collector in Baltimore said, Though Johnny is soft-spoken and laid-back, he likes to talk to fans and get to know them while signing. He’ll sign more than one item when he has time as well.”

If there's a best there also has to be a worst and it comes tono suprise tha comedienne actor Will Ferell has been the worst hollywood signer. One said that, Will Ferrell, I don’t know what his problem is. He just tries to ignore people. It’s weird, and really rude.”

But Autograph magazine had some advice for its readers, saying: “Keep in mind that even the best signers sometimes don’t sign, the worst occasionally do, and that just because they’re on the worst list doesn’t mean they’re bad people. They’re just bad signers!”

Autograph magazine’s Best Hollywood Signers:
1. Johnny Depp

2. Matt Damon

3. George Clooney

4. Jack Nicholson

5. Rosario Dawson

6. John Travolta

7. Katherine Heigl

8. Jay Leno

9. Dakota Fanning

10. Russell Crowe

Autograph magazine’s Worst Hollywood Signers:
1. Will Ferrell

2. Tobey Maguire

3. Joaquin Phoenix

4. William Shatner

5. Renée Zellweger

6. John Malkovich

7. Julie Andrews

8. Bruce Willis

9. Teri Hatcher

10. Scarlett Johansson

Just So You Know: Jlo does not want to get big!!!

Jennifer Lopez really does not want to be seen pregnant.You can tell after she tried to hide in her coat and used her mom's fur coat so that no pictures shall be taken of the bump.Jlo who is set to be pregnant with twins did not expect that she was going to grow that large.I can't blaim her she has one gorgeous body and only time will tell what pregnancy will do to it.